Code: PGDW-1385
Armored Mewtwo 2 tradeable
Shiny Pikachu Batik
Shiny Latios Jakarta BG
Pikachu T-Mobile Park Seattle
Eevee Jakarta Bg
Shiny: Celebi, skiddo, tropius, unown J,T, mega Charizard, Darkrai, mega latias, cubone mask Charmander, tapu fini, shinx, ralts, flying pikachu, chatot.
Make your dream of becoming a Pokemon Trainer come true here!
Nickname Change: ON
Team: mystic
Team changeable for 1000 coins.
Login: Gmail
Gmail and Gender are Changeable.
Buddy: armored mewtwo
Total XP: 47,280,626
Start Date: 6/30/2019
Stardust: 3,085,799
-Catching Wonders (Masterball Research)
-Pokemon Storage: 920/1700
-Hundo (4*): 47
-Hatched: 21
-Legendary: 202
-Legendary + Mythical + Ultra Beasts 100%: 2
-Shiny Legendary + Mythical + Ultra Beasts: 11
-Mythical: 17
-Shiny: 208
-Event: 41
-Shiny Hatched + Shadow + Costume: 17
-Shiny Unown: 2
-Can Mega Evolve: 58
-Location Background: 40
-Special Background: 7
-Dynamax: 8
-Necrozma, Cosmog: 12
-Item Bag: 1925/5000
-Rare Candy/Rare Candy XL: 487/11
Feel free to chat if you need more screenshots.