BR436-Android-1.900 Diamond RD+2 Ex Meta Max(Kuzan+Sabo)+Nice Items+Solo Fresh+Jabra+Egghead Zoro+New Sanji+Dorry+S-Hawk+Kaku+Noland
OPEN LINK check actual screenshots : >
Android: Ready
- My account is playing on Golbal
- Account can only be logged in with BANDAI ID
- You can install security immediately
In addition to the existing account, I also have many other accounts, you can choose according to your needs and price.
----- Additional information ------
If this account isn't ideal, feel free to view my store for other good offers or browse through my accounts live! I use the following clans to donate in between my accounts and store them for sale:
Thank you
----- Frequently Asked Questions ----
- All my accounts are legit. It means they were bought from original owners face to face, they were checked no mod/cheat using before. their devices will be check and loaded another account. The account only belong to you after buying, no one can log in. My devices also loaded with other accounts, I will give you all securities information to change.
- PaYment
NOTE :if you have problem with payment
- contact support 24/7
payment tips : if your payment is not successful you can do the following - clear cookie memory
- change new web browser (Google Chrome, microsoft edge, mozilla firefox..)