[Level 355] 10 CP Spins || Perfect for Sniper Lover || 1 Mythic and 7 Legendary Guns || 1of2 Activision only
- 1/2
Activision Only Available
Apple Disabled
Facebook Unlinked ( Buyer can link )
-You're The Only Owner After Purchase
-Safe Account
-Works on Both Android-iOS
What does 10 CP Account Mean ?
-First draw starting from 10 CP
-Cheaper Draws
-Cheaper BP
More FaQs-
•Please, do not leave negative feedback before solving the problem with the goods!
•Please read the description carefully because all sales are final, and there will be no refunds or replacements if you don't like the account after purchase. Before changing the account details ( password, name, etc.) please make sure everything is ok, if you change any details we will consider the account to be fine.
•Do not contact Support